

How To Increase Your Webinar Conversions 
Without Increasing Your Ad Spend

What You'll Learn


1. A simple shift that will get you more registrants.


2. The secret to webinar attendees becoming paying clients.


3. How to develop a system that continuously generates leads.

The Best 40 Mins You'll Spend

Give me 40 mins & I'll spare you the hours you would
have wasted piecing all this information together on your own.

What Others Have To Say

We went from 2-3 strategy sessions a month to 20-30. We needed a funnel in place to follow up with people & I didn't know how to do that on my own. I didn't know what strategies to employ. It wasn't my area of expertise and I didn't want to waste time trying to figure it out when I could go out and find an expert and that's what Karlene is.
Ahmad Manuwar
CEO Boutique Growth
"I went from 7 strategy sessions a week to 12-15 strategy sessions a week. My cost per lead dropped. My cost per application dropped. I signed up more clients. Overall increased my revenue "
Richard Harris
CEO The College Planning Formula
My attendees went up by nearly 50% with 14 new members into a $2000 year long program 6 paying in full! Looking at other webinars I've run, without the bots I would have made maybe 8 sales so the extra 5 were a direct result of having the bot sequence - that's potentially and extra $10k
Ese Eniwumide
Director at Grow The Ceo

Ready to start improving the performance of your webinar?